2020-10-19: Version 2.1 Released
2 updates:
1) We’ve added an option to enable email notifications in case your scheduled upload fails:
Please make sure to always “Save Schedule” when you untick/tick “Send me an email on fail” as the change needs to be saved.
2. We’ve also fixed a bug where the upload process was leaving temporary “copy” sheets behind.
2020-05-25: Version 2.0 Released
Read more here.
2019-07-30: Version 13
Mostly bug fixing. We also removed “Update To The Latest Log Sheet” button if you are already using the latest version of the log sheet.
2019-07-18: Version 12
We added option to pause or enable individual uploads. You no longer have to upload all your sheets at once because you can now exclude specific tables from upload via this new column:
If you want to upgrade your old files to use this new feature, navigate to menu and use this new button:
The button will create a copy of your current config sheet and add the new “Upload Enabled?” column. Then the old config sheet will be removed from the spreadsheet. This action may take a while so be patient 🙂
2019-05-20: Version 11
We improved error messaging on the log sheet in case the upload failed. Previously, some users could see “success” message even though 0 rows got uploaded to BigQuery.
The errors messages now give hint of what’s likely wrong with your sheets.
2019-05-07: Version 10
We did a little change in the code which may solve a problem with incorrect status post-upload messages on the log sheet. A user reported that he was getting “Error: GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to bigquery.jobs.get failed with error: Not found: Job **some id**” message every time he tried to upload his Google Sheet to BigQuery. While the data got uploaded OK, the message returned on the log sheet would show this error.
2019-05-03: Version 9
2 updates in version 9:
We fixed edge scenarios where numbers would get converted to strings in your original Google Sheets document after upload to BigQuery was performed. The issue was not happening every time so if you are existing user, you may have not even noticed the problem.
In version 8, cells carrying formulas would sometimes get converted to pure text after the upload – this is no longer an issue and your formulas will survive untouched!