This article will show how to run your first query with BigQuery Downloader for Google Sheets. This is our sample data in BigQuery which we will want to download to …
Target Cell When you set up your query definition, you are asked for a “target cell”. It’s the cell in the top left corner of the range where your query …
When you use our BigQuery Downloader for Google Sheets you will eventually notice that query results are being inserted in 1000 row batches. So if your query result is 20k rows, …
There are 2 main limitations: Size of your spreadsheet Max runtime for scripts and add-ons Currently, a spreadsheet can hold max 5 million cells. If a query is about to …
We are releasing our brand new product BigQuery Downloader for Google Sheets so we can also cover getting data from BigQuery to Google Sheets and not only uploading data from …